Friday, October 23, 2009

Jewels from Heaven

I find it only appropriate to share this video, showing the glory of God coming to earth in the physical realm. The result? Gems and Jewels so perfect and beautiful that they cannot be priced and there cannot be a value put on them. The color, cut, and clarity is so perfect there is only one explanation. They came from God, through the worship of His people.
Enjoy, be challenged, and be blessed!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Her worth is far above jewels...proverbs 31:10

I have gone through a journey of learning what a woman of God should be. And right now, the definition God has allowed me to live out is this: "A woman is one who is prized, who brings beauty and light and sparkle to the lives of others, and who is treasured by the heart of God." Richness and Royalty has been bestowed on me. I want others to realize that same calling on their lives...that we, as women and wives, are called to be a
j e w e l of the h o m e.

My prayer is that this blog is a forum to share my time and knowledge with the hope of equipping my readers in the ways I have been equipped. I pray that your time reading it will spur you to realize the great destiny you have in God, and enable you to live out that destiny in some very practical ways.